Lessons from Today

I decided to make an entry every day about what I learn about me and my life path each day or  at least every few days. That way I will train my consciousness to identify patterns as my life unfolds.

I will start today by looking over the past couple of months briefly. Sadly my father passed over in November suddenly so my whole world tipped on its axis. I went for an interview the day after the funeral and got the job which I started at the end of the first week in January. In the intervening time before I started working, it all felt like a bit of a dream. Going to the interview and getting the post did not seem real. I wondered if I would be good in the role.

Well it is nearly a month later and I am doing well there and enjoying it. I think that going for a new job the day after giving the eulogy at my Dad’s funeral made me immediately look at the future and start living it. I have realised that I am more resilient and stronger than I thought.

I am the Manager of an alternative health clinic which suits me because it links my interests with working. I also like doing admin and tinkering with excel etc so I am very happy in this varied role. I am a Reiki Master and Crystal Healing Practitioner so I am definitely in an environment that suits me although they focus more on the physical therapies. So I can see why the job vacancy caught my eye and why I applied.

But there is an interesting aspect to it. I used to go dancing, mainly clubbing years ago and I would spend the entire night on the dance floor. Over the past few months I have been wanting to go dancing again and have been thinking that I need to find a place where someone of my age can go dancing. Well, the place that I am at has dance studios on the floor below and it is part of the business. So I managed to locate the place I can go dancing as well as an ideal job for me.

The place is doing me good. There is talk of energy and people being in places for a reason. Everyone there has a story to tell and a purpose within the company which is not always obvious. My Manager said that she cant wait to find out why I am actually there as there is sure to be a reason. I cant wait to find out either. Let’s see how it unfolds..


About rosedixon

Hello. I am a Registered Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master in the Usui/Tibetan Ryoho Tradition and a Certified Animal Reiki Practitioner. I have given Tarot and Psychic Readings for over 30 years. I have an MA in Psychoanalysis after studying language, symbols, dreams and the unconscious. I founded the School Of Wyrdynamics SOW, which is a school of thought whose intention is to study wyrd and patterns in my own and others' life unfoldments in order to create a healthier and more fulfilling life by maximising choices and positive potentials. Apart from above, other interests are Sociology, Quantum Physics, Qabalah, Ritual and Magickal Theory, Gematria, Animal Welfare and causes...To Be or Not to Be You. That is the Quest and I have lots of tools to help you to uncover and direct your patterns to become the best you.
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